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Customer Support > Implementation > How to update the APEX template

How to update the APEX template

The Apex template has four folders of images that are used on the homepage. These are located under the media tab when on the root group.

It's important that the images you upload are the correct size to enable the homepage to display correctly.

Editing the slideshow images

The slideshow images are in the ‘Hero Slideshow’ folder. You can add any images required to this folder. The standard size for these images is 2000 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall. The images can be taller if you wish but you must make sure they are all the same as each other, otherwise you will get a grey band showing under the shorter images. There is an article here that shows you how to upload an image.


The caption on the image gives you the text and the button, these are separated with asterisks, so the first part is the title text, the second is the strapline and the final part is the button text. The button will only appear if there is a link on the image. See this article for instructions on adding links.

Editing the two blocks of feature images

The second folder of images, 'Feature Images Top', are displayed under the 'Welcome to our Church' text. There are three images in this folder and they are 800 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall. The images are set up at this size so you can use them larger in other places without them losing resolution. You can add any new images to this folder and remove any that you don’t require. These are set up in the same way as the slideshow, you have a title, a summary and a button, all separated by asterisks.


The images in this group are displayed in alphanumeric order so if you want to change the display order you can renumber the images.

The section further down the homepage under the title 'Get Involved' is managed in exactly the same way but it's the 'Feature Images Bottom' folder that contains the images for this section.

Editing the Media section

The media section between the feature images is set up using an image, called 'background', located in the Banner images folder. This is the same size as the slideshow images, 2000 pixels wide x 750 pixels tall. To replace this image simply select the image and use the task 'Replace this image with a new one' to use a new image – the new image should be the same size and should be jpg format. When this is saved the image will then be updated when you refresh the homepage.


To edit the file that is played from the front of the site on the media section, go to the article in the root group called 'HomePage Design: Recent Talk HTML'. Select to edit the purple module in the article by clicking on the pencil icon. Navigate to where you've uploaded your files and choose the audio file that you would like to be played when visitors click on the 'Listen' button on this section of the homepage.


Editing the content page banner images

The content pages on the Apex template have a banner image that uses the group name as a title. These images are also the same size as the slideshow images, 2000 pixels wide x 750 pixels tall.This image is set up in the root group but is set to be inherited to all sub groups. If you want a different image for a different group then you can override the image in each group.


To do this you need to go to the groups settings via the cog icon on the top right, and select the 'Custom Group Fields' section. Make sure you're on the correct group for the new image, and select to 'Override inherited value' and click on the pencil icon to select the new image you want to display for this group. If you want this image to be inherited to sub groups of this group then you should click on the 'Inheritable' tick box.